Things That are here


Nerds, takes one to know one.

I got home from work yesterday, and when about my normal routine after eating dinner, which involves sitting my lazy ass on the couch and listening to the TV as I work on my D&D campaign.

I began to bellyache about the complexity of the program I'm working in to design the interface that the players use. My wife, who was sitting on the other couch suddenly asked me if I had read bad sandwich chronicles yesterday. I had not so I was treated to an post that I think everyone would enjoy.

For those of you that don't know is a blog run by Brendan Kelly, a musician that I really dig, its totally worth checking out.

Anyway so yesterdays post tailed about the co-opting of nerd culture, and I have to say it hit home. Being a nerd myself I have become a little upset that there are a assload of people that I feel have no right knowing about middle earth knowing about it. However he points out that since its now cool to be the nerd the hot girls that never wanted anything to do with people like me in highschool would now think I was the shit...this theory is proven true by the fact that I married a super hot girl.

The main thing I took from the post is that society has finally caught up with our the advice mothers of nerds have been telling them all along, "She'll be looking for someone like you when she's older and realizes there's more to life then dating the football captain."

What's shocking about this is that a lot of nerds are, upset, like I was, that this is what's going on. Seriously. If I wasn't married I'm pretty sure I would be able to pick up chicks in a bar by showing my D&D players hand book the I have on my phone, and they wouldn't just talk to be because I'm devastatingly handsome, but cause they think Dungeons and Dragons is cool now.

What I'm saying is that its the time for nerds to shine, to be the rock stars we always knew we were. So get you asses out of the basement, and show off your gundam collection, explain to a girl why a 2d8 does more damage then 1d12, and for the love of got stop bitching for something we've always wanted and enjoy it.


Make sure to check out Brendan Kelly's blog,

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