Things That are here


But I do it everyday

Waiting for the bus today I have realized how two things,

1) I hate NJ transit
2) I really need to find something I like to do, that I can get paid for.

The whole thing with NJ transit is self explanatory I think, they suck and can't show up on time to save their fucking lives.

The second things is warrants an explanation, for example how did I come to this realization waiting for the bus? Well at about 7am after being at the bus stop for 20 minutes with no bus in sight, I realized that I didn't want to be doing this. Now its not so much the getting up and working aspect, its more enjoying what you are doing, and I haven't done that on some time.

I'm sure you're asking, in concerned voice, "Nathan, why would you choose a career that you don't enjoy?"

Well, imaginary readers, it baceause I was under the mistaken impression that I was going to be a rock star and didn't need an education, making learning anything except how to be awesome pointless (granted I learned how to do that half assed)

So, when the whole rock star thing disn't pan out, I got a job, and then another, and another, and so on, all the while looking for something I really felt fulfilled doing. I found it once, but I'm starting starting to wonder if I liked the job, or the people I was working with? I'm thinking I must have liked both cause I like the people here, but they aren't enough to make standing in the rain waiting for a bus bearable.

Once I find something like that, I'll know I've found my dream job.


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