Things That are here


A pome

I wait to get my ass home
Because there are snowy roads
And my company it closed early

In anything but sun
Its as if you don't run
Cause I never see you on time

These line are to much to bare
With all these people here
Especially this couple feeding one another

I wish that I was home
But instead I write this pole
Cause I have been waiting here for hours


Super Monday

Watched the Superbowl last night as I'm solo an additional 7 million Americans did, and god knows how many people world wide.

Not being a football fan, I typically watch for the commercials and other not football related in the game, like people getting punched, of massive power outages. I was lucky last night and both of theses things happened.

Some time in the first half one of the larger men on the purple team was tackled by and equally large man on the second team. I'm not sure if this was the murderer and the homophob, but for the sake of this blog we will assume it was, because what transpired after was kick ass.

After the large murder was tackled by the homophob and his teammates the murder's teammates began fighting with the homophob's teammates. Now there's And instant replay of the tackle, in which you can clearly see the homophob punching the ever living what out of the murderer's stomach. I had honestly wished that this had continued for the duration of the game, which would have made the first quarter much better. But alas it did not, something better happened.

After a lip syncing hussy took the stage and pranced around in 6in stilettos (which is no where near as impressive as the unic high wire guy from last year)  the second half began...and then stopped. Apparently the lip syncing hussy's stage show used up all the power in part of the stadium, which postponed the game for 15 minutes, which was over the course of 38 minutes.

This gave us a chance to hear the lovely commentary by the announcers, spent the whole time speculating if the power outage was going to cause a shift in the momentum the purple team had through the first half and into the start of the second half. This same question was asked in about 26 different waste over the 38 minutes, in addition to showing a highlight real 3 times from the first half, which showed the purple team trouncing the red team.

Overall the game was marginally  exciting on account of the punching and power outage, though I wished the murderer had actually murdered one of the homophobs. One the other hand the commercials with the exception of three sucked. Doritos impressed as always, the goat in particular, and the axe commercial which has now coined the phrase "nothing beats an astronaut" which I'm sure will became a mem involving cats in a matter of seconds after it aired.

I hope next year something really cool happens or I'll care even less.