Things That are here



Tomorrow at this time I plan to be up in Vermont, looking out into my back yard hoping to find a moose which I can make friends with.

This is the first time I'm heading up there in since I was like 19 I guess, so I'm kinda excited. But one upsetting fact is that I'm not going to be skiing.

You see I tried to explain this to the wife, skiing is not fun if you don't have someone to go with. Alternately it is only fun to do alone if you have your own gear, and or are a villain in an 80s movie.

The reason skiing with someone is fun is because you get the chance to compete or push each other to ski better and ultimately you have someone to talk about your runs with after. Now my wife does not ski for several reasons, the main reason is she thinks it's extremely unsafe, she also just went through an FET today so it'd likely be bad bouncing down a mountain.

Aside from skiing though there's fun activities I can enjoy in Vermont, they pretty much revolve around eating, and that's always a plus. Looking forward to a Ben and Jerry's visit, along with a trip to the Cabbot creameries so I can get me some cheese.

Maybe if were lucky a trip to Magic Hat...though that might not be fair since the wife can't drink...



A narrative

Writing a story is hard work, don't let anyone try to tell you different. Writing a Dungeons and Dragons campaign is much more difficult, since you are not only writing a story but you are making it interactive by trying to let your players tell it through their actions in game (which are typically not heroic when it comes to the group I play with)

So I pose the question, how exact ally do you accomplish this task. I've found that not having any idea why they are doing g what they are doing is actually the best way for me to tell my story.

When you role play you assume the identity of the character you play. This character would ultimately have absolutely no idea what was going on, and so they would use clues in the game to figure it out.

So in the start of this campaign the players found themselves in a castle that suddenly fell under attack. They had no idea why the castle was attacked, no idea who was attacking it and no desire to stay there. Thus they reacted like real people in a situation like that.

Tonight is the 5th session and they still have no idea what they are supposed to be doing, only that they need to bring a duke (whom they all mildly dislike) to the capitol of the kingdom.

Provided they don't act like complete assholes and miss the obvious signs of where to go, they likely find out what they need to do tonight....though they could also spend this session seeing who's character can take a better piss.



I love the mornings

<p dir=ltr><a href="">Unicorns&#8217; Existence Proven, Says North Korea | </a><a href=""></a></p>

Let's stop and read that for a second.

Its nice to see that the North Koreans, is still very much a bunch a wishful children, hell before I read North Korea I was really excited and ready to quit work and discover my own unicorn.

But why can't a unicorn exist? Is it really that far fetched? I mean who's to say that they put the bones together correctly when they found the first dinosaurs? Maybe it actually had wings and breathed fire, we don't know we weren't there.

What we do know is that the north Koreans believe they have found a unicorn, that likely was alive and well until its master Kim Jung il died after killing a bunch of orc.
(You would not believe how hard it is to find a picture of this)

I have to say that I am in support of the crazy claims that the Chinese government makes. Seriously just thinking k all the cool shit that we would know existed if they didn't play big brother on the interweb.