Things That are here



It's 8:44 EST, 8:49 if you look at my alarm clock. I have been home since roughly 4ish, (traffic was rather light today on my way back into the city) there was a cool breeze blowing through the park today. I came home and cracked open a beer.....and have had one open since then, needless to say I'm kinda drunk, and while sitting here being drunk I've tripped over a great thing to write about.

So we know my issues when it comes to finding bands, correct? Well this rant has nothing to do with that (or spider-man 3 {no I'm not over it}). I spoke to my old classmate today she's a tree sloth, (I have wide group of friends), and she and I broke into a conversation about her current boyfriend judging her by her past...lets say activities. I said that was bullshit and that no one should judge anyone by past relationships or lack there of. Anyway the conversation it still going on it's 9:04 right now I'll let you all know how it ends tomorrow.

So anyway, I'm trying to make my bosses life harder then he thinks it is. You see, my boss and I have this mutual hate for one another. These mostly manafest themselves in verbal attacks, "You should die alone"(Me to him), "You're useless to me now that you hurt your wrist." (Him to me) Anyway this war is about to climax very soon and this is due to my blaitantent disreguard for the rules of the hospital. You'll find out soon.

Everything turned out with the slot and she and her man lover will be at the beach this weekend.

Tomorrow:The tour bus didn't break down again did it?


Look musicians is almost as hard as finding a.......

Well a lot of things. I'm coming to the conclusion that finding a group of people that fit my set criteria I've set is nearly impoisable. I might have something to do with this, as I stated some time ago I am a pertencious prick when it comes to music, I need the people I play with to know their equipment and how it works (Guitar Center ruined my life). That said I'd rather join an established band then one just forming, (at 23 I feel time is running out for me and a band, so I need to just join one) but the problem as always is, everyone is looking for drummers and I play bass, and that actually brings me to my rant.

What the hell is it with drummers? I have friends that are drummers don't get me wrong, they are great people, however the majority I have met are rather dumb. I'd like to know why an instrument that takes so much timing and counting and well math has become the instrument of so many dumb people. Actually I think I might have an answer to my own question, you see drums are expensive, one of the most expensive instruments out there,(heads, sticks, cymbals {those can run 200 a pop, and those are cheep ones} hardware) a good (Jen would know what i mean) starter drum kit and that's everything can run you anywhere between 500 and 700 where if you were to buy a starter guitar you could spend a max of 400 and that's if you have a good sales guy. So what does of that mean Biff? Well my friends, only stupid people with lots of money buy drums (excluding the people that I know cause they're exceptions to the rule). Most musicians can't stand stupid people, so they eventually kick the drummer out. Hence why everyone is looking for a drummer. I'm sure someone could counter this whole argument, but come on, it's so easy to pick on a drummer.

I'm not over Spider-Man 3 yet and have decided it's my civil duty to tell everyone not to see it. I had dinner with my family last night for granny monkey's birthday, and spent most of the night explaining to my little cousin the mongoose (she's adopted and like 10 or something like that) how the movie was written for children and she shouldn't watch it,(that's right talking the demographic down, I'll show Sony). Sam Raimi will be receiving my letter just as soon as I spell check it, hopefully I will get a reply though I know the chance is slim. My friend the Zombie tells me that it's not Mr. Raimi's fault, and to him I say "Look at who wrote the freaking script"

OK well off to bed, I have a long day tomorrow of pretending to care about my job.

Tomorrow: Is gas (from beans, broccoli, dairy for some people) the solution to the nation's fule problems?


10 weeks later and I don't feel anymore smarter

So my writing course just ended, Tuesday to be exact. It's was fun to say the least and I now have an even greater superiority complex when it comes to my awesome writing abilities. But for once tooting my own horn will have to wait, for i have a public service announcement that must be made.

Don't See Spider-Man 3
Yes that's right, Hollywood has effectively ruined the best superhero franchise since Superman.
Sam Raimi this message is to you, (along with the 3 page letter you will be receiving at Sony Picture Studio {Letter to follow}) you have let us down. Spider-Man is everyone's hero, kinda like Batman but normal, everyone has been the geek/nerd (myself included if you can even fit you head around that) and that's what makes him The Amazing Spider-Man. Look we're not asking for something on the same level as Spider-Man 2 (best superhero sequel ever) but you could have at least I don't know tried to make it with the same feeling the first film had. That was just it, the movie felt half assed.
Mr. Sam Raimi, I understand that you and Bruce Campbell are good friends and I for one enjoy the Army of Darkness movies, I felt it was very sneaky of you to have him show up in both film, but then in the third one he completely steals the scene he's in (for those of you who have yet to see the movie, he play a french matredee). His ridiculous french accent and dialogue which sounds like something that I would be able to find in the original script of Monty Python's Holy Grail (however I own that and it is clearly not the case) Peter Pecker indeed.
Why is Gwen Stacey even in the movie? What point dose she serve? She and Eddi Brock weren't even involved, hell she's Peter's first girlfriend I think, hang on I'll wiki it......Right Here......
[edit] Peter Parker's girlfriend
Gwen first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #31 (December 1965); Peter Parker met Gwen while they were undergraduates at Empire State University. Initially, with Aunt May lying in Hospital, Peter was troubled and ignored her advances, and in return, she felt insulted by his aloofness. Gradually, however, a romance developed; Gwen, a science major, seemed to appreciate Peter's intellectual personality, different from that of jocks like Flash Thompson and preppies like Harry Osborn. She was Peter Parker's first true love.
Their romance became more complicated when her father, Police Captain George Stacy, was killed by falling debris from a battle which involved Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus (The Amazing Spider-Man #90). Gwen blamed Spider-Man for that event, which set back their relationship for a while. Gwen left for Europe to deal with her loss. When she returned from Europe, Gwen and Peter resumed their relationship, but it would not last for long.

[edit] The Death of Gwen Stacy
Main article: The Night Gwen Stacy Died

Trade-paperback reprint collection, The Death of Gwen Stacy (2002 ed.) Cover art by J.G. Jones.
In The Amazing Spider-Man #121 (June 1973), "The Night Gwen Stacy Died" by writer Gerry Conway and penciller Gil Kane, Gwen Stacy was held captive on a tower of the Brooklyn Bridge by the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn, who is aware that Peter Parker is Spider-Man). Spider-Man arrives to fight the Green Goblin, and when the Goblin throws Gwen Stacy off the bridge, Spider-Man catches her by a leg with a string of web; the sudden deceleration snaps her neck. He initially thinks he has saved her, but when he pulls her back onto the bridge, he realizes she is dead. In shock and anger, Spider-Man nearly kills the Green Goblin in retaliation, but in the end chooses not to do so. The Goblin still seemingly dies when he is impaled by his own Goblin Glider in an attempt to kill Spider-Man.
The death of Gwen Stacy had an enormous impact in the world of comic-book fandom.[citation needed] Before her, except possibly as part of an origin story, superheroes simply did not fail so catastrophically; nor did a loved one of the superhero die so suddenly, without warning, or so violently. Because of this, some fans and historians take the death of Gwen Stacy as one marker of the end of the period they refer to as the Silver Age of Comic Books.
Physicist James Kalakios shows in his book The Physics of Superheroes that, consistent with Newton's Laws of Motion, it was the sudden stop that killed Gwen Stacy.[2] The comic book Civil War: Casualties of War: Captain America/Iron Man (2007) concurred that the proximate cause of death was the sudden stop during a high-velocity fall.

F-ing love wiki. Ok so right there, huge problem. By the way if you read the rest of the article you find out that MJ and Gwen are actual friends and Peter gets involved with MJ cause....GWEN F-ING DIES......(That by the way is old school Spider-Man, I don't count the new stuff, even if the movie is closer to the Ultimate Spider-Man universe then the original one). Get your history correct if you are going to make a movie, I don't even wanna get into Eddi Brock/Venom and how he doesn't die like that.
Sam, Raimi you have effectually made a mockery of the whole world of Spider-Man and I hope to God (notice the capitol "G" 'bout the worldly accepted god) that you realize the mistake you made and that if you are selected to direct to other 3 upcoming films you do your best to clean up the slop you have made from this last film.
End of Service Announcement

So anyway, now that I got that off my chest on to other news. Your's truly was thanked in an album, that's right a MF-ing nationally released album. Granted it's just my first name but I know it's me, frankly because I was told by the guy that wrote the thanks. I'm currently at work, being lazy, hell it's a nice Sunday and I'm in an office with no windows, suffering from a horrible case of gas and dealing with people that have the combined intelligence of a mollusk. I have every right to mess around on the computer, it's my given right as a supervisor (acting supervisor, helps having a bum wrist). But this office really sucks no matter what I do, I think I might take a walk in a little bit, ya know to fart some place other then this tiny cube of a room.
I'll catch you all on the flipside.

Tomorrow: The Giant Space Elevator or why NASA likes to waist money.