Things That are here


Look musicians is almost as hard as finding a.......

Well a lot of things. I'm coming to the conclusion that finding a group of people that fit my set criteria I've set is nearly impoisable. I might have something to do with this, as I stated some time ago I am a pertencious prick when it comes to music, I need the people I play with to know their equipment and how it works (Guitar Center ruined my life). That said I'd rather join an established band then one just forming, (at 23 I feel time is running out for me and a band, so I need to just join one) but the problem as always is, everyone is looking for drummers and I play bass, and that actually brings me to my rant.

What the hell is it with drummers? I have friends that are drummers don't get me wrong, they are great people, however the majority I have met are rather dumb. I'd like to know why an instrument that takes so much timing and counting and well math has become the instrument of so many dumb people. Actually I think I might have an answer to my own question, you see drums are expensive, one of the most expensive instruments out there,(heads, sticks, cymbals {those can run 200 a pop, and those are cheep ones} hardware) a good (Jen would know what i mean) starter drum kit and that's everything can run you anywhere between 500 and 700 where if you were to buy a starter guitar you could spend a max of 400 and that's if you have a good sales guy. So what does of that mean Biff? Well my friends, only stupid people with lots of money buy drums (excluding the people that I know cause they're exceptions to the rule). Most musicians can't stand stupid people, so they eventually kick the drummer out. Hence why everyone is looking for a drummer. I'm sure someone could counter this whole argument, but come on, it's so easy to pick on a drummer.

I'm not over Spider-Man 3 yet and have decided it's my civil duty to tell everyone not to see it. I had dinner with my family last night for granny monkey's birthday, and spent most of the night explaining to my little cousin the mongoose (she's adopted and like 10 or something like that) how the movie was written for children and she shouldn't watch it,(that's right talking the demographic down, I'll show Sony). Sam Raimi will be receiving my letter just as soon as I spell check it, hopefully I will get a reply though I know the chance is slim. My friend the Zombie tells me that it's not Mr. Raimi's fault, and to him I say "Look at who wrote the freaking script"

OK well off to bed, I have a long day tomorrow of pretending to care about my job.

Tomorrow: Is gas (from beans, broccoli, dairy for some people) the solution to the nation's fule problems?

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