Things That are here


We were promised flying cars.

I was having a conversation on Thursday with my best friend about why Scotty was always yelling in Star Trek. This quickly turned into why the engine room of the Enterprise sounded like it was comprised of 100s of diesel engines. My buddy was baffled that how in a future where people are advanced enough to have created replicators, science hadn't figured out how to make engines quieter?

Well, since my friend, (and I assume many of you) are not as nerdy as I am, I proceeded to explain to him how warp technology was only discovered in the early 21st century, 2063 according to wiki, and the original Star Trek didn't take place until the early 23 century, according to my watching the show religiously when I was a child.

 Apparently Scott Bakula did something in 2151 but who cares

I explained to him that clearly this was still new tech, and that they were still dealing with figuring it out, just think of the combustion engine. With that I took to wiki again to find out that the first combustion engine was made in 1807...Then I got sad. Today is 7/27/12 that mean 205 years have passes since the first combustion engines were been created, and for some reason we are still using that same engine all over the place.

All over the place
So in less then 100 years the people in Star Trek developed a new technology, mass produced it, and sent a bunch of people to LIVE IN FREAKING SPACE using it. Back in real life, 205 year after the first internal combustion engine was created, we have just started to really explore electric engines. I somehow feel that if we really wanted to refine the electric engine we would, instead of spending time making things like this. What's really sad is there's been desire to move forward since the 50's.

Go here for more
What's more is it was suggested that all those suckers were going to run on hydro electric, atomic (very bad idea) or electric, and that was 62 years ago that they started toying with this idea. I'm not going to get into why this never happened, but I'm sure you know why (big oil). Well in 62 years we managed to get a semi-electric car, which in essence is just a little more sophisticated then a power wheel.

But a lot less rad

Well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the discovery of warp technology, or real electric cars (which is more likely) in the next 50 years. That'll make me 78 and bitter cause by that time I'll be too old to drive the flying cars that we'd better have.


PAS about a worldwide epidemic

I'm not sure if any of you have noticed, but there's an serious problem going on right now in the world and I feel it's my duty to bring this to the public.

Brace yourselves...

Everyone is the same. Shocking fact.

I spent a little while this past weekend reading about global warming, then proceeded to have a conversation with someone who doesn't "believe" in global warming. They don't believe in scientific fact, or their own eyes, when we're dealing with the shittiest summer heat wise that happens to have started back in October 2011.

Now I know I cited wiki up there, but it's more that I'm citing their citations so shut it.

This issue I have here is that these are the type of people you laugh when someone tells them about creationism. They clearly don't see this as being the same thing, which it most certainly is.

You know "those people"

So where am I going with this, White Trash Conservatives and Liberal Hippy Douches are actually the same because global warming is a liberal's evolution!

Pictured: Men equally scared of science

Think about it, highly religious kooks, deny that evolution exists even though there's piles and piles of facts supporting it, so they are mocked by the Darwin kooks. Now, the Darwin kooks who say that evolution is real say it because because of science, but that same group also says global warming isn't....because fuck science when it's keeping us from driving our Range Rovers.

No, facts are getting in the way of yuppiedome

Seriously check this out and then tell me that this is not exactly the same.

23.7.12'r screwing me.

At 28 years, old my lack of formal education is stating to catch up to me. Gone are the days where my stunning good looks and charming personality could get me to through many work related situations. I still believe that attractive/personable people will get ahead in life, but now it seems you need to have an education of some sort just to get into the circles where your awesomeness will let you get ahead.

Hooray $27000 in debt
This is of course, not to say that I don't have "an education" per-say, that would be a lie, it's just that I don't have one of them fancy sheets of paper with a seal on it. Everything I've learned I picked up in the trenches, in a trial by fire type environment, which I conclude makes me a better perspective employee because hell I've learned what I need to because I actually needed to.

Just like this but with less red leather

This mentality has not really helped me in terms of getting a career, but it's just secured jobs for me. I make the distinction because, to me, a career is something do that allows you to learn, apply ideas, practices you have picked up over the years and ultimately grow with. This is in direct contrast to a job, which just utilizes existing skills, doesn't help you to refine them and you pretty much do it because you need a pay check.
So,where does that leave us (or me in this case) the self loathing slacker, who wants nothing more then to actually be required to wear a shirt and tie to his office everyday, cause lets face it I look damn good in a shirt and tie.
Stunning I know

Well, going back to college is out of the question, I don't have the time and I really don't see how increasing my debt to help me get out of debt is really a viable/smart solution. On top of that, there are conflicting news reports (here, here and here) on the actual worth of a college education. So the media continues to do what it does best, confuse people and never answer your questions directly.

My other option is professional certifications, which I'm all for, if someone would just help me figure out where to start since there are about 600 that seem like that would be beneficial to me.
Pictured, confusion

It's these things that make me wish I have just bitten the bullet and become a rock star instead of trying to lead a normal life...