Things That are here


The movie theater in the sky.

I assume many if not all of you have been to a movie in the last 20 years. You know how it works, you go in as people are going out, get into a potentially warm with pee seat. Then struggle to get comfy for like an hour and by then the movie is over.... I realized plans are the same way.

Here I am in Detroit, home of cars, murders, and teams that beat the Yankees, and my plan has just landed. They are cleaning it up because its full of people germs. Additionally, there's the bitch traveling with her dog, who keep bitching to the woman at the counter she NEEDS to have a bulkhead, window seat, in the front of the know what I have to say. I've been away from my wife for a week, and working, you look like you've been fucking around all day with your dog, so shut your mouth and give me your seat.


On the road again

Travel. I do t think I've met a person who doesn't like to travel, exploring new places doing new things, exploration is in our blood, and there for travel is in there too.

For those of you that know me on a personal level, you'll know that I use to travel for work a lot back in the day. I spent pretty much 4 months of 2010 living out of a hotel in Corona CA. Something that I enjoyed, that's right I enjoy traveling for work.

You're typically not supposed to believe it when people say this and for good reason, traveling for work is not fun. You rarely get to do anything other then work, while you're on location, you are sleeping in a strange bed, and you have to deal with the dredge of the earth when checking into airports. So clearly its something g you would expect people to hate.

Not this guy. I thing the reason I like traveling for work stems from the fact that I wanted to live on a tour bus and wake up in a new place daily. In some strange way this kind of allows me to fill that inner desire of mine to live the life of a dude in a band (minus all the cool shit that goes into being in a band, like playing music)

Its this mentality that keeps me from going crazy when I travel for work, and by not going crazy, I actually enjoy it to a point.