Things That are here


Indiana Jones and the Comedy Tour of Danger

So recently I have come the the conclusion that Dane Cook extraordinary comic that he is, and Harrison Ford extraordinary actor that he is, are in fact related or clones of one another.

Look here in these pictures.
It's the same freaking person. I mean come on, you give Dane an earring and you give Harrison some messy ass hair and boom there you go. On top of that they have the same "all is right with a universe smart enough to have me in it" smile, they also both look dumb as hell with beards. I'm surprised you humans with your "Big Brains" didn't catch on to this first. A clone right under your nose, typical that I find out and have to inform the masses. Anyway, now that I am armed with my new information, I'm going to lobby LucasFilm.

Dane Cook as Indiana Jones
Yeah it'd work.
I bet he'd work for a lot less the Mr. Ford, cause lets face it
he'd more then likely sell his soul to be Indy.
I know I would.

Tomorrow: Is it better to have loved and lost then to have spent $10,000 on a semester of college.



So here it is a holiday weekend and I am sitting at my normal place in the wonderful job that I work at.

I have to say there's something magical about working here and not Guitar Center. Let me go into detail.

  1. I would have to be at work at the same time 6:30, but at GC I wouldn't be sitting down right now

  2. I get off at 3 here at GC I more then likely would have been there oh...lets say till about 8

  3. At GC I would be fighting with pissy customers about not wanting to spend money on good equipment, here I'm fighting with pissy departments to get their patients.

  4. I would be dealing with the same type of employees.....well not really, but close to them (The people here need to be forced to work)

  5. I'm hung over now and completely happy if I were still at GC would be hungover and totally unhappy

  6. I can urinate when ever I want here, I would have to wait for one of the 2 bathrooms at GC.

Look at that beauty. It's freaking awe inspiring.

Tomorrow: Elephants fight tigers who actually wins?