Things That are here


Getting started

Late start today, kinda makes me crazy when that happens, though it is my fault for drinking coffee before going to bed last night.

So have you heard this shit about Beyonce, and her apparent lip syncing of the National Anthem? This makes me angry on two levels. First goddamned bubble gum pop singers have been doing it for years, so I'm not surprised. Secondly, do we not have anything else to report on that's worth while?

I understand its the National Anthem, and it was "sung" during the presidential inauguration, but seriously after Christina botched the words during the Superbowl can you blame any artist for wanting to do it to a track?

Besides this isn't news. News is something that has some importance like a school finally reopening after Sandy, or how the fiscal cliff has been avoided (hasn't). I know I sound like  tires record, but fuck it I am a tires record.



What did I do this weekend

Today we join our protagonist for another installment of "What did he do this weekend" well aside from my typical attempt to grasp football, which I think I now understand thanks to Penny Arcade.  Well, I spend most of Saturday night learning how to edit the registry in Windows, thanks to the stability of Vista.

This 7pm-3am fiasco ended up OK and sparked a renewed interest in building the infrastructure in my home to be more then a 3 laptops, router, printed, and switch. So I'm embarking on an adventure to build my own home network with NAS (network attached storage) so all the computers and the Mac, we're likely to get in the near future, have all their data backed up. This was an overnight process, and took up a majority of the day on Sunday, before I termed it up to my in laws.

I also spent a lot of time reading the news about the inaugural balls/parties going on. What struck me as odd was the fact that there were any in Texas. I know I'm stereotyping but I was really under the impression that everyone down there love assault weapons and hate immigrants too much to want to celebrate my president winning a second term. I'm refreshed to be a wrong.