Things That are here


Dear Man sitting in front of me on the bus

Hi, you might not know this but I'm the passenger sitting behind you right now. You just got on the bus like two stops ago. You looked directly at me and saw I was working on my laptop and decided to sit in front of me rather than next to me. I thank you for that.

However, you did choose to sit right in front of me, and recline your seat -- making it impossible for me to continue working.

I'm aware your comfort for a 45-minute bus ride is of the utmost importance, and I should understand that your total lack of common human decency is likely attributed to the high stress job you must have. I should understand that your suit and tie make you better than me, in my jeans and T-shirt and skull cap, and you deserve your reclined bus seat. I should understand and accept all of this.

Unfortunately, I don't accept this, I don't care that your mattress is hard, or that your suit is expensive, or even that this is the only time you get to relax during the day, because of all the important things you do. Because you see, this is also the only free time I get, and I choose to spend it working on personal projects that I otherwise could not work on. So for the duration of the ride I am going to jam my knees into the back of your seat, because I care as much for your comfort as you care for mine.
