Things That are here


Football Season is starting

I'm not a football fan.

I have tried for years to like it, I mean I can see Met-Life Stadium from my house, 9 minutes according to google. It seems kinda silly that I've never paid attention or even really liked football with a stadium being that close, so last year I made an effort. This was in part because my father-in-law is a season ticket holder, and because I gave baseball a shot and I liked it, so this year I'm making it a point to try to catch some games on TV or something. Admirable I know.

What's hard for me is that barely know any of the rules, or the positions of anything. My limited understand of the game is that one team tries to carry a ball to the other teams end zone and then kick it through the uprights. I also believe there has to be a quarterback and something called a tight-end which I can only assume is some kind of player with a very muscular behind, since guitars aren't part of football.

First thing that comes to mind when I hear tight end...actually the second

I've asked for my friends to explain things to me, but it always sounds like gibberish, which I assume is what they hear from me when I talk business process deign and workflow analysis. The few bits I have picked up (see above) have allowed me to appear like I enjoy things like when a team gets a touch down kicks the ball through the up rights.

This IS good right?
Well tonight I go to a preseason Giants game, which coincidentally is why I am opening up about my lack of manly knowledge. My goal this season it to figure out why there are positions like corner-back and a wide-receiver, cause I'm under the impression their job is pretty much the same.

Though I could be mistaken.


Re-learning to tell a story

We're touching on me being a nerd again today.

I think I may have told you all how a few years ago I started to get into Dungeons and Dragons. This was something that I have no shame in saying I was avoiding for several reasons, the first of which being the stereotypical mouth breathers that play the game.

Well of course since I was playing with a bunch of close friends, I had a blast, because we were basically just drunk and yelling at each other about killing monsters. Since the end of the first game I have completely immersed myself in the tabletop RPG culture. No to tell the truth I started playing to get inspiration for the novel I've been trying to write for like 10+ years, which was at a stand still up to that point. Well while I was playing I started to develop an idea of a prequel to my unwritten novel. So I've decided to run my own D&D game, using the players to tell the story or at least part of it and as always I've learned something. Telling a story is hard.

Typically when I write I plan everything out in advance, locations, action sequences, and other things like that, but I have to work a little differently here, since the guys playing are the ones that are doing the actions. So the approach I've taken to the story is setting up a beginning and an end, and just some stuff I'd like to touch on, and let the narrative play out through the characters (players) actions.

I'll be keeping a log of the game which I'll be posting after every session on another page. It won't be updated as frequently but you'll all be able to see what I do on Tuesday nights.

I'll introduce the characters in a few days, and hopefully have the first "chapter" up after that, so check back (Friday?) for a the beginning of a rollicking tale of magic, swords, and drunkenness.


Sorry...But you're baby is smug

Sorry about last week ya'll I was on vacation...from everything really.

There's been some stuff going on in the life of nothing that I really don't want to get into too deeply, but I will just say that what's been going on has given me the desire to punch a baby, and the family surrounding a baby.

It's like they are taunting me with their smug baby faces saying, "Hey fat hairy dude, look at me I'm a baby and I'm totally better then you." Of course they're not really saying that babies can't talk after all, but I sure as hell bet they are thinking it, the little bastards.

Then there's the parents, who are almost as smug as their smug little poop factories. Especially the women, there's even a song about it.

Now please please don't take this as I am saying that I actually want to hit little children, I don't, nor do I condone it (unless it's funny) and I actually have a few friends who have awesome kids and I love and who are not in the least bit smug. But parents look, smug babies piss people off, teach you babies not to be smug and everyone will be happier for it.

The twitter story is going to pick up this Friday btw.