Things That are here


A race to NYC

This morning started off differently then many of my other mornings. Mainly because I had to race three buses across two towns in N effort to make sure I got on the least full one. That plan did not work and as I sit here typing this I'm being serenaded by the sound of early morning businesses calls, and music from other people's head phones.

My boss has been in town this week, it's his monthly visit from Chicago, and its also the first time I've joined him for dinner. He introduced me to two things last night, one was a fantastic German beer hall, and the second was a writer from Inked Magazine. The night quickly evolved from talking about computer programs and the evolution of the internet, to how awesome the the fireside was before the renovation, and how Chuck Regan is a really great dude to talk to, and how I'm scared to talk to Matt Skiba.

It was only on my way home that I realized, I really miss being involved in music, in some way shape or form, let it be interviewing musicians, or playing, I genuinely miss doing it. That being said, I've decided that this year I'm going to do something about it; I'm going to records and album.

If got more then enough songs, completed, and have enough friends that I could easily get backing musicians if I needed them, and I know people with studios where I can record for free. This will be good for me, and will get me back to doing something I love.

Very happy in spite of the bus situation.



But I do it everyday

Waiting for the bus today I have realized how two things,

1) I hate NJ transit
2) I really need to find something I like to do, that I can get paid for.

The whole thing with NJ transit is self explanatory I think, they suck and can't show up on time to save their fucking lives.

The second things is warrants an explanation, for example how did I come to this realization waiting for the bus? Well at about 7am after being at the bus stop for 20 minutes with no bus in sight, I realized that I didn't want to be doing this. Now its not so much the getting up and working aspect, its more enjoying what you are doing, and I haven't done that on some time.

I'm sure you're asking, in concerned voice, "Nathan, why would you choose a career that you don't enjoy?"

Well, imaginary readers, it baceause I was under the mistaken impression that I was going to be a rock star and didn't need an education, making learning anything except how to be awesome pointless (granted I learned how to do that half assed)

So, when the whole rock star thing disn't pan out, I got a job, and then another, and another, and so on, all the while looking for something I really felt fulfilled doing. I found it once, but I'm starting starting to wonder if I liked the job, or the people I was working with? I'm thinking I must have liked both cause I like the people here, but they aren't enough to make standing in the rain waiting for a bus bearable.

Once I find something like that, I'll know I've found my dream job.
