Things That are here


Fuck the police

A lovely statement brought to you in the early 80's by NWA Also the way I'm feeling this morning.

So last week it snowed, I think that was on Friday. I drove to the bus stop caught the bus and went to work. Then, like a moron on the way home I got off at the wrong stop, (6 blocks away from my car) so I said fuck it I'm not walking there in the snow, plus TW and I are meeting friends for dinner. All of this is OK because the car has both an overnight parking sticker and can be parked on where it was till 9am Monday, the day o intended to move it.

So here it is Monday and I have a fucking ticket, which looks yo be dated last Monday which is impossible, since that would mean that I has been driving with a parking ticket for a week. What I'm sure happened is that some cock bag small town cop with a superiority complex ticketed me bacuse he knew no one could prove the car wasn't there on the 21st.

So NWA had the right idea, fuck the police.

Also I just saw an old dude with a pipe and a deer stalker in the subway and I wholeheartedly I believe I just saw Sherlock Holmes, based solely on the hat and pipe.

This weekend was an interesting/stupidly busy one. We had friendly social events, going away parties,and a funeral. All of which are sad in their own way, though some more then others for obvious reasons. Its ala out missing people, the friends you realize you don't see enough, the person taking away you realize you won't likely see again, and the funeral is the final realization that you will not talk to this person anymore. It strange, when that notion actually hits you, you realize that we spend a majority of out lives staying good bye.

BTW we'll make our way back to the list format soon.