Things That are here



Tomorrow at this time I plan to be up in Vermont, looking out into my back yard hoping to find a moose which I can make friends with.

This is the first time I'm heading up there in since I was like 19 I guess, so I'm kinda excited. But one upsetting fact is that I'm not going to be skiing.

You see I tried to explain this to the wife, skiing is not fun if you don't have someone to go with. Alternately it is only fun to do alone if you have your own gear, and or are a villain in an 80s movie.

The reason skiing with someone is fun is because you get the chance to compete or push each other to ski better and ultimately you have someone to talk about your runs with after. Now my wife does not ski for several reasons, the main reason is she thinks it's extremely unsafe, she also just went through an FET today so it'd likely be bad bouncing down a mountain.

Aside from skiing though there's fun activities I can enjoy in Vermont, they pretty much revolve around eating, and that's always a plus. Looking forward to a Ben and Jerry's visit, along with a trip to the Cabbot creameries so I can get me some cheese.

Maybe if were lucky a trip to Magic Hat...though that might not be fair since the wife can't drink...


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