Things That are here


Monday Mornin' Comin' Down

So I was on hiatus, from writing through pretty much all December (and most of November I think) and some stuff happens during that time, many of which revolved around the infertility issue that I may or may not have brought up before, so let's just say they sucked cause they did.

In addition to that I also had a lovely experience with cold meds, by inadvertently taking too much theraflu, liquid Tylenol, and decongestant, my walk from the office to the subway was fantastic to say the least. However I did spend the rest of the night worrying I was jaundice, I kept checking to see if I was yellowing, through out the night, which I assume made the cold worse because of lack of sleep.

I got some socks for Xmas too, and a gasmask.

So now to present events...

The weekend is over, and over spent much of my ride into the city, wondering where it went exactly. I had hoped to spend this weekend working on getting my "new" computer up and running. The computer is actually only new to me since it is in fact a little over 5 years old, and still running VISTA. Its not so bad though, it actually works awesome for what I need, which is a computer with over 2gb of ram (this puppy has 4 which also happens to be its max available) but that's just me, I'm a tech hound that willingly takes hand me downs to serve his needs. Shameful I know, but it gets the job done.

I remember when I was younger that weekends seemed to last forever, now they are gone I a flash. Its upsetting when you start to think about it, because your perception of time gets warped, and things that are fun speed by cause they just break up the mundane of your unfun job. Just an observation.

My regular readers might be aware that I am running a dungeon's and dragon's game for a few buddies of mine (including my future brother-in-law). Well he had I had been chatting, and decided that it might be fun to do one for my family (my sister, my wife, mom and dad, and our exchange student). Having agreed on some little things we attempted to explain the overview of the game last night. This proved to be a very difficult task, since my father had too much wine at dinner and was now happily singing along to every song that came on the steel, my mother was shooting my father looks, my sister was translating the various classes to the exchange student, (this was after I described a barbarian as a Norwegian) and my wife sat there explaining how she was only willing to play if she could be bad ass. This prompted the rule that my father is not allowed to drink during the game, and I gave my wife the class of a rouge, so she could stab things, over all this should prove to be interesting.


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