Things That are here


Back on a bus

My stint in Jersey City has ended for the time being, and now I find myself traveling to Manhattan a week after the worst storm in the history of the east coast.

Let's talk about the storm. It fucking sucked there is absolutely no way else to say it. I can't even begin to understand how it must feel to lose a home and all your possessions in a flash. Its devastation I'm sure. I was lucky, I was in lower bergen county so I didn't get hit that badly and only lost power for about a week. I've donated all of my unused bottled water and some clothing to the relief shelter for the residents of Little Ferry and Moonachi since they were the hardest hit by us. If you are able to give anything please do.

Now on to what I try to pass off as humor.

As we know I'm a bit of a prepper, so the only good thing that came out of Sandy was the chance to learn several things...

1. I have not prepared enough for disasters that could potentially involve my wife. Where I have a go bag for here but I have forgotten that she is cold pretty much 24/7 and thinks I'm crazy. Just something I have to work on.
2. I have developed a taste for cold soup and cold baked beans. This is actually wonderful because heating things create a delay in the practice of getting food into my mouth, and this kills that delay.
3. My combat boots are the best thing I have bought in the last year. I lived in these, I was warm, and had dependable foot ware.
4. If I'm going to get a generator I need to make sure it's propane or at least I need a three week supply of gas ready to go.
5. The dog needs a go pack. Dogs are useful in surviving situations (I'm not sure how useful a 2yr old puppy would be but I'll cross that bridge when I get there) but you need to make sure you have enough provisions for them, specifically water, which I don't want to carry.
6. I need both a bigger knife and axe. This should be self explanatory.

All and all though, I think I did pretty well and would have managed to live fine either in my house or the on the road, and am prepared for the next storm that going to hit us Wednesday.


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