Things That are here


I'm moving

Another election has come and gone and depending on what side of the political fence you're on, you feel great, or you feel like Donald Trump (UI on my phone doesn't let me put the link in so just search Trump and election reaction in good old' Google). Whatever the case is there's one very important thing you all need to remember, Washington State legalized marijuana for recreational use.

That's friggen huge, let's forget everything else, healthcare, taxes, the economy, and really look at this, a state said fuck the federal government and made it OK to have an ounce of weed plus smoke it in public. This is astonishingly great and here's why. (Thought this wasn't going to be a list didn't you)

1. Job creation - with the amount the vote passed by more then half the residence of hipster-ville USA will be needing weed. Now since its being regulated, and grown and distributed by the state, you're going to need a lot of manpower to be able to run this operation. Trucks to ship the stuff to your stores, buildings to process it in, inventory systems to manage the supply, and of course people to run this all, which means jobs and when you have more people working, you are collecting a more taxes which means....
2. More state revenue - let's forget for a second that more workers mean more tax money coming into the government, and let's look ate the raw numbers that I could be potentially making up. On average you can spend $20 bucks on 1.5oz of weed (this comes from a forum not from personal exp, cause I get me weed for free) if taxed the same way as alcohol which is taxed by proof and volume you could stand to make a sizeable amount per dime sold. But along with making money, Washington will be saving money....
3. Less petty arrests - I'm all for the war on drugs, cocaine and heroin and speed and all that shit and that's because they really really fuck people up in ways that will ruin their lives. Weed on the other hand does not, but the police seen to think it does so they arrest and prosecute you the same way or a little more leniently, I don't no I'm not the police. By getting rid of these petty arrests,you save money on processing the accused person, who is likely going to go right out again and get hi, and give law enforcement the chance to focus on important things, like figuring out who keeps stealing my pens at work.

Bottom line is that despite the best efforts of people stuck in a prohibition era America mindset, weed is now legal in Washington State and that means I'm going to PAX Prime.


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