Things That are here



At some point in your life you are going to find yourself questioning you life decisions. Why did I do X and not Y is typically the most common question that will go through your head. This will likely happen on a Saturday at 8 in the morning while you stand on line outside in the cold at the department of motor vehicles trying to get your expired licence and registration renewed.

Everyone else on the line are currently asking themselves the same question, and its highly likely that they are not discovering any answer other then the fact that a hurricane destroyed life.

So how exactly did I get into this situation and what choices could I have made to avoid this?

Well, we should begin at the beginning. Four weeks ago i got my renewal forms in the mail. My reaction was that of most people, "Shit, I've got like two weeks before I need to worry about it. I'm going to work on my D&D campaign and play Halo in chronological order"
Three weeks ago I was packing for a businesses trip to Ohio, and the to Chicago, I would have been back in NJ on the 11/1 (the day my things expired). Again I had a reaction similar to most people when waiting for the renewal day, "Is it Ok to eat this meat i found in the back of the fridge?"

Well then Sandy decided to be a royal bitch and and piss all over NJ.

I know that people had their lives devastated by Sandy in many different ways and as I said before its important that you donate to the relief effort. But there are people like me who have been fucked by that storm in other ways, mainly she has taken a very precious commodity from me,time.

What follows is a short list of how this storm has spent my time:
4 days with out power
2 1/2 hours trying to get to work on Wednesday the 1st.
1 1/2 hours getting gas
3 hours total driving back and fourth to Hillburn NY
10 total walking back and fourth to my parents house to use/help maintain their generator
1 hour waiting to renew my licence and registration and listening the the obnoxious 17 year old , more concerned about getting to football practice then getting his licence, and is ignorant yuppie mother complain about waiting on line like the mother has never renewed her licence before. (They also sat right next to me while waiting to get the picture taken)

Fuck you Sandy you goddamn bitch, fuck you for destroying homes and fuck you for putting these yuppies next to me.

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