Things That are here


My life in the IT

I once thought the world of IT was a glamorous one, full of new fangled technology and the ability to command respect because, hey let's face it I control your business.

In the recent years I have discovered that this is not the case at all. I'm more like a babysitter, in that I'm trying not to have people break their toys, or providing new toys for people to break.

For example I spend most, if not all of my work day trying to find a serviceable blackberry in the box of "spare phones" (most of which are actually broken) and set up a users iPhone. Granted the setup should have taken me a bit because apple is the devil, and not because the user could not remember any of their passwords (or be bothered to close the 300* documents they had open)

That is actually why I find myself on a bus at 5am, there's a new hire starting today at 9 and her workstation is not up and functioning. This is because there's 13gb of data, that I need to set up her computer, transferring between 1 server to anther that should have taken 5 1/2 hours starting at 430 yesterday.

On a side note I'm going to see a friends bands tonight, and potentially have dinner with some old co-workers after work around 12 hours from now.

This should be an interesting day to say the least....also this is the second time in my entire life its taken me 20 minutes to get into the city.

Additionally I have seen a part of the Port Authority I've never seen before.


[* the number 300 is not an exaggerated figure and will swear to it in a tours of law]

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