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My Breakfast Story

For years I though the phrase "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" was a load of crap. To me lunch has always been the most important meal, because during lunch people don't judge you when you eat a hero sandwich full of various deli meats, like they do at breakfast. Breakfast has always been an appetizer to lunch and dinner in my eyes. Breakfast has remained an afterthought for many years, that was of course before I was married.... My wife is a stickler for healthy eating and that means the days of eating a whole banana cream pie, and skipping breakfast are gone. I feel like Cliff Huxtable, just with less money and a better fashion sense.
Cliff Couldn't pull off the Poka-dots

Part of my wife's Make Me Healthy campaign is to get me to start eating breakfast, and this would have been fine if it was awesome breakfast like  bacon, ham, sausage, and eggs on buttered toast, but apparently those items aren't healthy (who knew). There aren't actually a whole lot of tasty things that are healthy for you, and this makes me very upset, since the alternative is me spending my mornings eating peanut butter and rice cakes. Suffice to say, I was very pissy during breakfast consumption, until...I was exposed to homemade smoothies. Gasp! Could I have found a way to make something delicious and healthy? You bet'cha! The idea that I can throw various items into a blender and create something both filling and yummy baffles me, how could I have not known about this in my 28 years of life? The trick of course is to put awesome things into the blender to make something equally awesome, I have only been experimenting with fruits and yogurt but I hope to move into the complex carbs and meat; basically a breakfast soup. 

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Needless to say I have a new goal in my life, create the perfect breakfast smoothie comprised of meats and other fantastic savory items. I'm sure that this will be a long journey full of mystery and excitement, but I plan to trek on until I have discovered the perfect mixture of items that I can drink.

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