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Time Travel

88mph...I'm sure many of you know what the means, and for those of you that don't allow me to explain. There's a little, relatively unknown, trilogy of movies that heavily feature a DeLorean, a flux capacitor and the phrase "Great Scott". I am of course talking about Back To The Future, which I feel opened a generation to the idea a time travel.

Well the idea that you could be clothed to do it
Arguably Back to the Future is one of the greatest movies about time travel of all times simply because Doc Brown is actually concerned about messing with the timeline (until the end of course). This brings me to what's always bothered me about any time travel movie, it's that fact that many of them are about stopping some future event from transpiring, or fixing a passed mistake and no one giving the shit about the ramifications or their actions on other people.

"Oh well, so we have three balls now"

Take the newest entry into the time travel movies coming out, Looper. For those of you that didn't click that link let me give you a quick idea of what happens. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a time hit-man, who has to kill his future self (Bruce Willis), basically Willis is sent back in time to be offed by Levitt. This doesn't work out of course and Willis gets a gun and basically turns into, what I assume is a future version of, John McClane. Then he runs around his past destroying things, and throwing gold bars around.

There are already several issues here, but I'm only going to deal with the most aggravating...the guy is shooting himself. I'm not sure if anyone realizes this, but it means he's gone through this exact scenario before. We can assume this is a face judging by the trailer, as Willis knows exactly how to startle his younger self(throwing a gold bar). So clearly he's already experienced the exact same thing when he is younger, and grew up knowing that he was going to be sent back in time and have to fight his younger self and still did nothing to avoid it. On top of it, what does Willis hope to accomplish by killing or maiming his younger self since he will deal with the repercussions of the injuries, or ya know die. So he's going to rampage through Levitt's time destroying things and altering the timeline for everyone he comes in contact with, not only potentially changing his life but the lives of everyone else. What about those poor people in the back ground there, walking around minding their own business?

That dude would have cured cancer is this explosion hadn't happened
Who cares, Bruce Gordon-Levitt isn't dead, even thought it would have absolutely no effect on his younger self, since Joseph Willis-McClane is going to grow up to be Bruce Gordon-Levitt anyway.I assume the movie's name means that the main character is constantly repeating the exact same series of events through out his life knowing he's destine to fight himself...which now that I think of it might be a really cool movie, John McCalne vs John McCalne.
This type of stuff runs through every movie with time travel...the exception being Harry Potter and only because Harry uses the best movie bandage next to R2D2...magic.

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