Things That are here


My night of fighting

So I'm come home from a rough day at the hospital, pushing patients here, there, and everywhere. On a side note you would not believe the amount of human anatomy that you see during the course of the day in my profession, I mean truly amazing, people in hospitals love to show off their junk.

So anyway, I have my cousin JoJo, (he's a lowland gorilla) drive me back to my treetop abode. I scramble up my front branch, promptly strip off my scrubs, and leap into the wonderful world of Halo. Another side note I'm borrowing my friends account for LIVE, he's a zombie, a refined gentleman zombie, but a zombie none the less.

So I start to play, and I end up in the pre-game lobby where all the players hang out and dis each other, and there's this moron of a child just screaming into his headset (for those who don't Halo, you where a headset to hear what the people on your team are saying) he's making no sense, and just yelling, and I don't have a head set, and I wanna say "God damn you you stupid kid, I wanna fling my poop at you" but hey I'll shoot him when we start playing, but then it happens. the little bastard ends up on my team. I deal with it. We start to play. We start to lose. Suddenly the connection is lost. When I get it back, my team has signed out. Those fuckers, they were losing, and jetted. My monkey rage got the better of me and I threw my controller across the room and proceeded to pee on the TV.

After my rage subsided, and the vial of red no longer clouded my vision I realized i should get a head set so I too could yell at the socially stunted minor whom I was planning to gun down.

Tomorrow:How I got even.

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