Things That are here


Welcoming me back with open arms.

I'm trying a new thing. Not really trying per say, more doing. I took a job in NYC. Yay! I am out of North Bergen and on to 14th street.

So what does this mean? Well the short version is I will be writing this on the bus. As you will see from the attached picture(s) I'm still trying g to figure out bloggers UI on the phone to keep it formatted the way I like and you're used to seeing it. As of right now you're just going to see a lot of my face.

I'm sure the many (three) of you who read this may have gotten the idea that I'm a bit of a curmudgeon when it comes to dealing with other people. Well that's true, I dislike most people, its a sickness but one that I am manging to cope with...dispute the face that someone with in my radius on the bus keeps farting.

That actually, this creates a nice segue for me to mention a project I was working on a while back when my commute took me to the Bronx (blah). I was planning on writing a set of guidelines for bus educated and handing the out, or putting at the stops along the route.

I may take up that project again, because seriously you should have enough common sense not to fart in a tin can with 30+ people...btw given been on this bus since 725ish, and the smell has been there since 728...its now 745 which means this is an on going problem.....

Anyway I would appreciate if any of you, my readers, have interesting public transportation stories, you share them through comments. I'm sure I'll have a lot of similar entries along these lines so if you have more then one you can always enter them next time round.

Lots of love (last pic test)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's see...I've been riding the 76X or local verion thereof between Carlstadt to Newark since 2007.

So far, we've had a rather "assertive" bus driver who was unfamiliar with the 76X route make the wrong turn and upon realizing her mistake, asked why no one had told her to which a small voice replied "We were afraid". She laughed, then shut the lights, put up the "Out of Service' sign on the bus and took to the local streets. She waved as we passed confused 76 locals buses who probably thought our bus had been hijacked.

Another time several of the riders wished to bid a fond farewell to one of their own and proceeded to put on a musical complete with original songs, dialogue and hand puppets.

Once the 76X was stopped and boarded by police at the Lyndhurst border. The officers walked through the bus, hands on their pistols. Never did know what or who they were looking for. Funny thing is, just prior to their arrival, two young girls who were short the correct amount for bus fare boarded. Chances are the ladies thought the cops were there to arrest them!

During a snow storm, we were traveling at a snail's pace and a passenger who works for NJ Transit offered to direct the driver to a short cut---straight through the Clifton Common's parking lot. The driver took it and we sang holiday caroles all the way home.

We've also had this same NJ Transit employee sit on the steps and hold the door close with his feet so the driver could continue on his route!

Smelly buses? Child's play! LOL