Things That are here


Checks a balances

Let me first apologise. I have not been on top of this posting, I blame myself, the lack of direct public transportation to the Jersey City office and my company's internet policy that I have no intention of breaking. You readers deserve a blog every Monday Wednesdays and Friday and I have failed to deliver. To the 1 ans 1/2 people reading this I'm sorry.

This week I'm going to touch on a topic I despise frankly because its so fucked everyone rights about it. I am of course talking about the political process in this country.

Around this time of year, actually for September 2011 on we have been bombarded with political messages, no matter where I turn I hear about, 47%, Obama-care, a dog being strapped to the roof or a car, how the current president thinks we need to have a former president as "secretary of explaining things" and how congress isn't doing anything.

This fucking while political system is stalled for a year while the parties parade their candidates around in a dog an pony show for the nation. In this time there is no one running the country except the hacks in congress who are to busy pushing their own parties agendas or waiting for recess that they are about a useful as a lawn mower in Vegas (note grass doesn't grow in vegas , fact.)

After the election other the old president picks up where he left off, with the members of the other party in congress and the senate vetoing bills out of spite, or...we have a new guy who take another half of year making public appearances and kissing more babies to thank America for making them head of the do nothing collective.

Seriously speaking the government as a whole tends to have too many checks and balances that nothing gets done. I mean the president really has no power when you get right down to it, because everyone and his kid brother can veto something. In short the government is too big.

No just to clear things up, I am not and do not support the Tea Party because frankly I think its full of a bunch of disillusioned yuppies that think they are starting the new revolutionary war. More do I support the GOP as they are a bunch of rich white guys that think anyone that isn't wealthy wants to to steal their money, and I'm really starting not to care about the Democratic Party either, the damned hippies.

Look whole issue here is we don't have strong leaders, and the ones that offer a glimmer of hope are quickly bogged down by the committees in Washington paying the others party back for some wrong they feel has been committed.

What this country needs is a reboot. The government needs to be completely reevaluated, and there needs to be one person in charge someone to say "get on the fucking ball and stop dicking around you all live here" cause seriously congress and the senate make all the decisions and the need a ref. Basically the office of president should work like a mom, if two branches of the government can't play nice, then no one plays and presidents rule is law.

Of course well never really have that because we're going to be voting for weenies, the candidates that we've seen in the last few years (Clinton aside) haven't had the balls to actually punch the government into submission. Instead we're given choices and typically chose the least incompetent of the group of candidates.

This year we actually have little choice here about who we vote for, sure Obama has done a lot of stuff but the country is still in the shitter as a whole, and seriously, if anyone can consider voting for Romney you're likely the same set of geniuses that put bush in office. Both are incompetent Romney cause of his mental capacity and Obama because he just won't bitch smack the rest of the government.

The only choice is basically who is less likely to fuck up the country more for their term, and honestly the devil you know if better then the devil you don't.

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